Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines day!!!!

For those of you who are celebrating "singles awareness day" rather than valentines, here are some pics you might enjoy :)    ~ photography by Rob Prideaux      
                                        - B.  

Thursday, February 10, 2011

counting down to summer (#1)

Free People February - FP Girls from FreePeople on Vimeo.

I think I always start wishing for the summer around now. Cause in February all the fully white snow turns into slush and the only thing that survives the streets is Hunters. Shitty.Three more months to go, at least there are pretty things to look forward to.

Oh, and then there are these.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Oh pingu~

I'm so obsessed with nail art. And penguins. So I thought I'd throw them on my nails. 

So the base coat was First Class Ticket from Chinaglaze
I did French White from Sally Hansen on top with Orange #2 from Urban Outfitters & Blackest Black from Revlon. 


I don't usually like crazy things on my nails. But I came across this tumblr which is pretty much quickly changing my mind. Wish my nails were this cool lookin' all the time ..


the best way to feel better is to look at something pretty

So I think I have a slight ear infection. Ew, gross. I know. But on the bright side, it's only a pounding pain in my left ear and the rest of me is fine-ish. I've noticed how in the winter months, I pretty much have a permanent cold - which last year caught me the H1N1. All through high school, it ensured that I was miserable during exam period.

And this year it's stomach flu & ear infection. Hip hip horray. So I decided to take a "personal health day" off.

I don't know what most people do on these days - but I'm a nerd. So I catch up on all my deviantart. Which I do everyday anyways ... but more intensively on sick days. So I thought I'd share my favorites.

`Thienbao on Deviantart has been one of my favourites for as long as I can remember. 

There is just something about the way she paints which is absolutely gorgeous. 

When I was really really really getting into the whole graphic/web design blah blah thing back in high school, Vectoring (Illustrator) / Vexeling (Photoshop) was extremely popular. There were like whole communities dedicated to them - they might still exist now and I guess I just no longer follow them. But this one was done by my dear friend Stella aka `thursdaymorning. Who is not only a master of vexelling - but also of other really cool things.

Yah. She's supa cool. Now. 

I'm also insanely obsessed with this OMFG gorgeous girl Victoria Yun, photographed by `hakanphotography

She's just unreal. 

Pretty much what anyone would look like if they had a Korean mother & a Russian father I suppose. 

And last but not least, `ethe. Who's special form of surrealism always makes me so happy.

I love goldfish. Don't you love goldfish?

Anyway, what do you guys do on sick days? I'd love to see what kind of cool things you find when you have a little too much time on your hands.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow days are (not yet) over

It's apparently supposed to snow today. Something like 30 centimeters? Because we're Canadian and this is considered a "normal" occurrence life goes on ... in snow boots. Unfortunately.

Usually I just throw in the ugliest, biggest sweaters I can find. But there are apparently people who manage to stay good lookin' despite the cold: